Data Annotation

Need high-quality training data for your machine learning models? Look no further! Our team of experienced annotators provide accurate and consistent labeling, making your data more valuable than ever.

Starting as low as $2/hour
Pay as you go & easily scalable
Fully refundable credits
30 minutes free consultation

Use cases we support

Text Annotation

Text Annotation

Image Labeling

Image Labeling

Bounding Box

Bounding Box

Audio Transcription

Audio Transcription

Data Classification

Data Classification

Data Correction

Data Correction

What our clients say

Dashboards you provide are super helpful and easy to read and help understand where you are up to vs hours/credits. 10 out of 10 - would highly recommend!

Chief of Staff, UK-based Data Startup

Love Tazker’s speed and communication so far! Will rate 9 out of 10!

Data Manager, YC-backed Company

Loved how efficient the Tazker team is! You guys have been very efficient and responsive. The work details have also been presented clearly and feedback was quickly taken. Definitely 10 out of 10 would recommend!

Data Analyst, Singapore-based VC

I can't believe how fast you guys do it 🤯 quality is great too! Bounce rates are really low. Happy to work with Tazker team again. Would like to discuss the next piece :)

CEO, Agritech Company

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Other services

Operations Support

Focus on things that matter most. Leave the tedious and menial tasks to our remote team who can deliver the work overnight.

Operations Support


Improve the accuracy, reliability and velocity of your AI systems by integrating with our human-in-the-loop solutions.


Lead Enrichment

Our taskers can help enrich your leads data so you can target your outreaches better.

Lead Enrichment

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